Aesthetics of the Void, Giangiorgio Pasqualotto (Clio, 2007)
A History of God, Karen Armstrong (Ballantine, 1993)
Anti-absurd, Aleksey Slapovsky (Logos, 2006)
A Universe from Nothing, Lawrence M. Krauss (Atria, 2013)
Black Holes, J.P.Luminet (Cambridge, 1992)
Bonjour Paresse, Corinne Maier (Michalon, 2004)
Chroma, Derek Jarman (Vintage, 1994)
Corto Maltese, a prose novel, Vladimir Pištalo (Agora, 1986)
Dialogues of the Dead, Lucian/Baron George Lyttelton (Project Guttenberg, 160/1760)
Espèces d’espaces, Georges Perec (Galilée, 1974)
Genealogy of Nihilism, Connor Cunningham (Routledge, 2002)
How to Stop Living and Start Worrying, Simon Critchley (Polity,2010)
In Praise of Idleness, Bertrand Russell (Routledge, 2004)
Invisible Cities, Italo Calvino (Harcourt, 1978)
Le Je-ne-sais-quoi et le presque-rien, Vladimir Jankélévitch (Presses universitaires, 1957)
Martial Arts and Philosophy: Beating and Nothingness, ed. Damon Young (Chicago, 2010)
Nil: Episodes in the Literary Conquest of the Void in the XIXc., R. Adams (Oxford, 1966)
Nothing mat(t)ers: a Feminist Critique of Postmodernism, S.Brodrib (Spinifex, 1992)
Nothingness in the Philosophy of Lao-tzu, Gi-Ming Shien, (Philosophy East&West, 2001)
On Nothing and Kindred Subjects, Hillaire Belloc (Project Gutenberg, 1907)
Ostinato, Louis-René Des Forêts (Gallimard, 2000)
Philosophy of boredom, Lars Fr.H.Svendsen (Reaktion, 2005)
Sartre, the Philosophy of Nothingness and the Modern Melodrama, András Bálint Kovács, (The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, Vol. 64, 2006)
Silence: Lectures & Writings, John Cage (Wesleyan, 1961)
Talk about Nothing, Transcripts from public talks on Nothing with Laurie Anderson, Philip Glass, Robert Wilson, Bill Viola and others (Ruben Art Museum, New York, 2011)
The 4% Universe: Dark Matter, Dark Energy, and the Race to Discover the Rest of Reality (One World, 2011)
The 101 Most Influential Characters Who Never Lived, Allan Lazar (Harper Collins, 2006)
The Anatomy of Melancholy, Robert Burton (Project Gutenberg,1621)
The Book of Nothing, John D. Barrow, (Vintage, 2000)
The God DelusionRichard Dawkins (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2006)
The Man Without Qualities, Robert Musil (Vintage, 1996)
The Secret World of Doing Nothing, Billy Ehn (University of California Press, 2010)
The Perfection of Nothing, Rick Lewis (Hohm, 2000)
The Ways of Naysaying: no, not, nothing, and nonbeing, Eva T. H. Brann (Rowman, 2001)
The World of Yesterday, Stefan Zweig (University of Nebraska Press, 1964)
Voids – a Retrospective, Catalogue exhibition (Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris, 2010)
You Don’t Have to be a Buddhist to Know Nothing, Joan Konner (Prometheus, 2009)
Zero: The Biography of a Dangerous Idea, Charles Seife (Penguin,2000)